Saturday, February 28, 2009

Statue Decomposed.

Remaining in Germany, there was a band named "Darkseed". Whose vocalist, 'Stefan Hertrich', branched temporarily and formed a stand alone band named "Sculpture". This album compliments at least 2 of Darkseed's over all albums. In that it was produced well, and is a good mixture of Hard-Rock/Gothic Metal. Including some electronics to fill in and increase the sounds.

As already stated, they only produced 1 album, it is self titled. So it only contains the band name. Completed with 11 tracks, to which are as I said, a good listen. Some tracks sound great, while others sound fair. More like an audio filler to which you cannot complain. So in all, this is a good, yet hard to find item. And to mention, the vocals are in English. So they will be enjoyable in their entirety.


This particular band does not have a myspace account, and has no other source for their music... Other than from a mix-up with And until the myspace music section is back up, last is the best place currently.

Which is here: Last Sculpture.

Luckily it is listed separately within the mix-up. And for the better part, contains their full album. So give them a listen to. And perhaps wet your appetite for the actual Headwind band.

Till next time.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Space Age.

Being Kory's first project after the first conclusion of "Warrior Soul", he created a band named "Space Age Playboys". After the secondary title of the last Warrior Soul album. This could have been for an array of reasons, but I will not get into speculations.

This seemed more like a sequel to the Warrior Soul album. Being a form of Acid Punk/Rock, it was slightly a different sound. But the subject matter remained the same. If not turning a little more 'thick'.
Being recorded within L.A. but being distributed within the U.K., there must have been some legal issues present. They produced 1 album to date, dubbed "New Rock Underground". They also produced a live convert recording dubbed "Live in London".

But they also released an E.P. album, of sorts, online that is no longer being offered. It was originally part of the lineup exclusive. But that fell short and the mini album dubbed "American SuperRock" vanished from fans and possible fans.

According to their Myspace, they are planning to relaunch the E.P., but time will tell on that part.

Check them out: Space Age Playboys

Enjoy a song never released other than Tour: We Are The Boys.

Posted up by the band's very own Stevie. The Drummer.

They do not have their own website, and their page is scrapped to no info. So the only information available is their Myspace. For better or worse... But it was a nice change for Kory, one that could have stuck if it was given a proper release, a chance.

Anyway, till next time.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dead Jointß...

Swinging back to Germany, there is a fairly known band named "[Die!]". Translated to be '[The!]', but with their approach, that name is irrelevant. Following the Industrial/Gothic Metal genre that is popular within Germany. They have been formed since 1997, with their debut album E.P. released within 1998.

After the E.P., they released their first full length album in 2000. Their base for topics being "Concept Album's", excluding the E.P. They, all together have released 4 albums. The E.P., then the 3 others. Dubbed "Schluss Mit Lustig", "Manche Bluten Ewig" and "Stigmata". Translated to be "With Our Final Decisions" (loosely translated), "Some Bleed Forever", and simple enough "Stigmata".

However, their latest 2 albums, primarily conceptual and, in a way tying to one another, was written from the perspective of a Vampire. "Manche Bluten Ewig" and "Stigmata". From analyzing the cover art, it closely resembles that of the U.S. based PS1 Vampire based title named "Legacy of Kain'. But that is a rough speculation...

Anyway, after their fourth album, their main vocalist, Olie, left the band. Seemingly on fair terms. But still leaving the band voiceless. But after conducting a timely search, they recruited the ex-Megaherz singer Mathias. He was only present for 1 album, and was forced to leave as well on good terms. But since he joined with [Die!], their luck has been starting to change.

They reached a bitter settlement with their ex-label, Black Bards, and have gone independent for the time. And during the process, have begun writing their next album, titled "Tuefelswerk". Meaning 'Devil's Work'. Suggestively keeping their later concept alive.And they are a German vocal band. So you may want to locate translations, unless you are involved with the language.

Check them out: [Die!]

Their site (under construction): [Die!]

The have 3 songs from their upcoming album, unmixed and in demo form. But it is promising thus far.

With their albums becoming rare, they have initiated their own online shop: [Die!]Shop.

They are only German domestic, but I am currently negotiating for my order to assist with them to increase to further shipping reach.

Well, till next time.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beer Metal.

Swinging back to the U.S., one band came together about 2003, named "Dirty Rig". Self proclaimed, Beer/Metal, the label seems to fit. It has a Grunge/Metal feel, but carries itself well. They have produced only 2 albums, "Blood, Sweat and Beer Make America Strong" and "Rock Did It". They had their original vocalist, Ed, who after recording their debut album, assisted with a few tour shows before he simple refused to remain joined.

This, having certain complications within the group, led them off to bad terms, and ended up getting contact with Kory (Warrior Soul) through a Friend of the Bassist Buckshot. Having done so, they recorded "Rock Did It" with Kory. Containing a theme similar to his band, the near anti-political type, they got along well for that album. And, they covered another of Kory's side project songs. The "Space Age Playboys" song titled 'Cities, Scenes and Thieves'. Portrayed with a more Metal sound, but just as good.

After a short tour afterwords, Kory left to pursue another project, having been between before he was contacted, and the band was once again voiceless. Once again they have hit a hard point, and ended up getting disbanded. However the bassist Buckshot, has created another band to carry on, named "MothEater".

Currently, no material has been released, but from 'Dirty Rig' it will probably be similar, but just different enough to stand out.

But with that said, check them out: Dirty Rig

Their site, still up and running:

Well, it is yet another notch for Kory Clarke, but the band was good while together. Not everyone get's along all the time. This is point enough. But this also grants high hopes for the new "MothEater". Keep watch over them. They have announced that within a few weeks (of posted message) that a few tracks will be available.

Check them out here: MothEater

Yet a 'soon to be' U.S. band. With that said, till next time.


Stockholm Supra.

Another notch from Sweden, brings in the band "Supragod". Formerly the "Cheerleader".
They opted for a name change after their first E.P. Simply titled "Cheerleader E.P." and extremely rare. With a slightly different sound from their ultimate direction.

With limited resources, and failing reputation (name didn't help), they ended up locating to the U.K. And from then on, about 2005, they were known as Supragod. Composing of a Punk/Metal type sound, they wrote and recorded their new E.P. album dubbed "Army in White". And for a pleasant surprise, it was released for free.

In two ways:

1. Material album was a complimentary bonus for ordering their printed T-Shirts (U.K. only)
2. File sharing from their website (seemingly offline).

With that said, their tracks are now limited to those who have them, sadly... As their website has been taken down. This can be taken as if they are disbanded, or on hiatus.

Either way, check them out: SupraGod

They even had a Kory Clarke tribute/voice cameo. As they remade a Warrior Soul song, titled "Punk And Belligerent".

On another note the Drummer, Billy, has now joined the Warrior Soul line-up as their Drummer. Following suit to Rille, whom joined in the new Warrior Soul line up as the 2nd Guitarist.

Perhaps this is the cause for the 'hiatus'? They really had a good E.P. album, and it was released in such a way that would generate great promise for anyone not of the U.K. radio region.

So with that said, give them a shot. And hopefully their site gets re-established, so everyone can get their tunes...

Till next time.


Monday, February 23, 2009

5-Point Star.

Following a 'Glam' Metal that has been growing within Sweden, I have to recommend the Band named "Gemini Five'. Being of a Glam/Metal genre. Distinctively 80's sounding. And as of lately, this is a definite good step. Especially if done well, like they have, you even stand out in a positive way.

They have been around just longer than half a decade (at least from the year of their Debut Album), and currently have been awarded the "Swedish Metal Awards" For 'Best Metal Album 2008-2009. This is a great step for a fresh band. And with only 3 albums released thus far,they continue to built up within their genre of style. And they do it rather well.

Where they stand with albums is: "Babylon Rockets", "Black: Anthem", "Sex, Drugs, Anarchy".

There is a definite affinity among the synchronization of the instruments and vocals. But don't take my word on it.

Give them a listen: Gemini Five

Their site:

If you like 80's sounding Glam Metal, even Hair Metal, you may like these guys.

With that said, till next time.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

70's Stoner 4.

Taking a slight turn from previous selections, this band being localized within the U.S. Being named "The Stoned". Their sound is that of something you'd expect from the Late 70's Power/Glam metal. Some call it Shrapnel Metal. Either way, they have a great sound.

Hailing from New York, they have only produced an EP album, containing only 4 tracks. But it is 4 tracks that keep you hooked. And within the typical American market, they stand out, rather well.

Plus, they have their own "Deported from the U.K." mini comedy skit on their Space.

Test them out, all 4 tracks available: The Stoned

Their site:

And their "Deported from the U.K.": The Deported

So, in total, they have a great EP. An interesting comedy skit, and may not be producing an album follow up. Mostly due to Kory Clarke. The Stoned drummer and Producer. Is also with his band "Warrior Soul", is with "Mob Research", with "Trouble" and has his own routine. He is also a Stand Up Poet. A revenue generator he used when he is between projects...

But more to come with his band, assistant band and himself.

Till then, check out The Stoned. And till next time.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Norway Goth.

With my search taking me to Norway, I stumbled across a Metal/industrial band named "Gothminister". Their initial album composed of the new "Industrial = Heavy Electronics" motion, starting off with their first release. Being heavily influenced with electronics, it was dubbed "Gothic Electronic Anthems". However, it did well enough to allow them to forge a 2nd edition of that debut album.

They carried the heavy electronics through the entire album. With that, they ended up changing slightly. To focus more on the instruments. Changing them to more of a Metal/Industrial. With their exceeding albums titled "Empire Of Dark Salvation" and "Happiness In Darkness", they incorporated more Metal elements within their music. From their transition, sparking their incorporated sound travel, they released 2 5-Track singles as well. Respectively dubbed "Angel" and "Devil".

With that, they developed their own unique sound. With a better mixture of instruments and electronics. The later 2 albums were more accepted, allowing them to flourish more than with their initial partake to the industry.

Test them out here: GoThminisTer

It serves as their actual site for the time being.

Their latest album, as stated earlier "Happiness In Darkness" is definitely the one that has the most 'hook' when coming to newer ears. But for their vocal sound, they are an English vocalizing band. So you can enjoy the vocals as much as their sound. No translation necessary.

So, till next time.


Neue German Metal.

Among the masses, there is another German Gothic/metal group, named 'Stahlmann'. SteelMan in translation terms. They have a good Industrial/Metal sound, following suit to the German Gothic/Metal development since the early to mid 90's. Where it began to actually take off. But they have an on-stage difference that makes them separate from others. They all paint themselves silver, as to imitate the 'SteelMan' interpretation.

They have only 2 songs available to listen: Stahlmann

Their actual website (being rather recent):

They are German Vocal based, so no English. But their choice of style is represented rather well with their electronics and instruments.

Thus far, they are in the process of recording their initial EP album. Currently title unreleased or non-composed. However, judging from their only 2 tracks, they are off to a good start. If you like German Gothic/Metal, then keep watch of Stahlmann.

Till next time. Cheers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finnish joint band.

Being composed of members from Nightwish, Embraze/Maple Cross and Eternal Tears of Sorrow, comes a joint band member driven band. Each bringing their own skill to the table, with one amazing release to date. Dubbed "Fallen".

For My Pain is a Gothic/Metal type, but uses good placement of electronics and general metal instrumental usage. Catchy riffs, vocals (some being dual male/female), this is one to definitely check into. Their album follow-up has been postponed due to recording session delays.

But till then, check them out at: For My Pain

Their actual website being: For My

Along with their album, releases in 2003, they released a 3 track Single in 2004. Only in Finland, dubbed "Killing Romance". Another good addition to their already great full length album.

They are a well done band thus far, and will be capable of more excellent albums in the future. Keep an eye on them.

Till next time, Cheers.

Russian Industrial.

Having been looking through Russian Federation for some good Metal, I stumbled across a very recent Industrial/Gothic Metal band named 'Mordor'.

As I said, they are new. Album debut at 2008. So they have a lot of potential. Their album dubbed "Glamour, glamour" was a great experience. Vocals all in Russian, sound having a great mix of instrumental and electronics. 11 tracks that are just compelling. This album is hard to find, rather ebay may be one of the only sources unless you are native to the Russian Federation.

Check them out: Their hosted page and tunes available here Mordor

After their album launch, and steady fan development, they have been able to create and establish their own website.

View it here:

All in Russian (granted), and starts off with a type of 'game'. Click the mugshot in the bottom center, then click on the body of a marionette, and it will take you to the actual website.

Enjoy the Russian metal, and till next time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Induce Initiative.

To initiate my blog, I'd like to start with a band no longer together. Dubbed "Induce". Hailing from Cornwall, United Kingdom. They had 1 album released before they broke up on good terms. That album being "Hell and Retribution". They have an 80's (or Glam) sound, that nails your attention. It is a bummer they broke up, their album was one hell of a tribute to the Hard Rock industry.

Look them up at: Induce

I am in partial contact with Chris, the Bassist. And accordingly, their Lead Guitarist - John, is now part of the revived 'Warrior Soul'. The Vocalist - Andy, has formed his own band, named Indrarising. Containing a similar sound to what Induce offered. And the bassist Chris is in the motion of locating the right band. So updates with Chris, and Andy's Indrarising will be sure to follow.

And for an immediate follow-up, Indrarising have their own site up. With a singe released titled "Godstar".

View them at Indra-rising

They were originally the 'Feathered $erpent$', but at some point, they decided against the name. With no album released, they were easily able to do so.

They are here: Feathered $erpent$

Enjoy till the next buzz.

Inevitable introduction.

Greetings fellow Metal Heads. I'm hopping to cast around and discover good tunes (mainstream or independent), and want to share my discoveries. I look through many countries, so any and all good Metal will be targeted. And be aware, I may use Myspace pages for Band info and content.