Sunday, February 22, 2009

70's Stoner 4.

Taking a slight turn from previous selections, this band being localized within the U.S. Being named "The Stoned". Their sound is that of something you'd expect from the Late 70's Power/Glam metal. Some call it Shrapnel Metal. Either way, they have a great sound.

Hailing from New York, they have only produced an EP album, containing only 4 tracks. But it is 4 tracks that keep you hooked. And within the typical American market, they stand out, rather well.

Plus, they have their own "Deported from the U.K." mini comedy skit on their Space.

Test them out, all 4 tracks available: The Stoned

Their site:

And their "Deported from the U.K.": The Deported

So, in total, they have a great EP. An interesting comedy skit, and may not be producing an album follow up. Mostly due to Kory Clarke. The Stoned drummer and Producer. Is also with his band "Warrior Soul", is with "Mob Research", with "Trouble" and has his own routine. He is also a Stand Up Poet. A revenue generator he used when he is between projects...

But more to come with his band, assistant band and himself.

Till then, check out The Stoned. And till next time.


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